A very common question from customers is “How flexible or fixed are our log cabin designs”? The simple answer is that they aren’t fixed at all.
So the next question (quickly following that answer) is “Does that cost a lot extra?”. This is another very simple answer – “Very little, possibly nothing at all or even that it could cost less depending on what needs changing”. All of the styles and designs on our website are purely there as a starting point to give ideas to customers. If the customer needs fewer windows or doors, then it’s probably going to cost less. If doors or windows need moving to a certain position (but the total number remains the same) then there may be a very small charge for this. Or there may not, depending on what else is going on with the cabin. Adding partitions, for example, to make into a multi room log cabin will obviously cost more.
Don’t settle for second best!
The upshot is simple – we have our own dedicated factory. Therefore we can be as flexible as required and for very little (or no) extra cost. The way to think about it is that cabins (and all garden buildings) are timber boxes with windows, doors and canopies – you choose where you want them and how many, and leave the rest to us. This even applies to our residential log cabin houses – you tell us what you need.

In summary, if it is possible to draw a design, then we are able to make and install it.
NB – it is always worth pointing out that there my be certain restrictions that apply and you should always research planning permission and building regulations. Follow these links to the relevant government website for more info –
Planning permission for garden buildings – http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/permission/commonprojects/outbuildings/miniguide
Building Regulations for garden buildings – https://www.planningportal.co.uk/info/200130/common_projects/43/outbuildings/2
We offer many different cabins that have no restrictions. This makes it much easier and simpler. There are ways to design garden buildings so they don’t require any planning permissions or planning applications. Some of them can be seen here – https://www.uklogcabins.co.uk/log-cabins/